Publication of the Report "EnerCrypt - Cyber Innovations for the Secure Energy System of the Future"

During the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) on March 28, 2022, the German Energy Agency GmbH (dena) presented the joint report "EnerCrypt - Cyber Innovations for the Secure Energy System of the Future" by Fraunhofer FIT and Fraunhofer FKIE.
A cyber-secure energy transition requires innovation. The EnerCrypt report explores the potential for innovation in cyber security within the energy transition and emphasizes the importance of cyber innovations to ensure the resilience of the transforming energy system against increasing threats from the cyber domain. The report aims to contribute to the discussion by positioning cyber security in the energy industry as an innovation topic and as a factor for shaping a sustainable energy transition.
The main objectives of this report were to identify and evaluate significant trends and developments that utilize or could utilize this innovation potential to realize cyber innovations with increased relevance for the energy sector. This contributes to the overarching goal of a secure energy system of the future. The report goes beyond metering operations and examines developments and trends in the cyber-secure enhancement of assets and energy ICT infrastructure, utilizing digital future technologies with a particular focus on the distribution network level.
The Report is available in German and English.