
Below you will find an overview of the Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy's national and international projects.

  • TwinEU will leverage a unique set of competences coming from grid and market operators, technology providers and research centres to create a concept of Pan-European digital twin based on the federation of local twins so to enable a reliable, resilient, and safe operation of the infrastructure while facilitating new business models that will accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources in Europe.

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  • The aim of QuGrids is to establish an interdisciplinary team of scientists to investigate how quantum-based technologies (quantum computing and quantum communication) can change the planning and operation of energy grids. Our goal is to create a network based in the state of Northrhine-Westpalatinate (NRW) that leads the research, development, dissemination and education of quantum-based energy grids.

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  • The energy transition and increasing sector coupling pose major challenges for energy system research. In this context, digitization processes towards cyber-physical energy systems (CPES) facilitate change in many respects and have an equal impact on technical, social, and societal issues, but also on the research process itself. NFDI4Energy aims to establish a joint research infrastructure for FAIR data, models, and processes, whereby results are to be made reproducible and transparent.

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  • Ensuring the secure operation of gas and electricity networks relies on reliable technologies and, particularly, the extensive expertise of the control center personnel. The increasing technological and systemic complexity of energy systems, as well as the heightened risk of cyber attacks, have led to a significant rise in the relevant process information that must be considered for safe network management. The goal of the "Beautiful" project, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is to optimize the working conditions of critical infrastructure control center personnel.

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  • The partners involved in the i-STENTORE project are working on developing technological and digital solutions for the hybrid operation of energy storage systems. Additionally, they are conducting investigations using demonstrators to explore the large-scale implementation of storage solutions across Europe.

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  • ENERSHARE aims to deliver a reference architecture for a European energy data space by hybridizing SGAM with IDSA and GAIA-X architectures. This integration will incorporate the perspective of the data value chain into the energy sector.

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  • The objective of CyberSEAS is to establish an open and expandable ecosystem consisting of 30 customizable security solutions. These solutions aim to provide effective support for key activities such as risk assessment, device interaction, secure development and deployment, real-time security monitoring, capability enhancement and awareness, as well as certification, governance, and collaboration.

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  • The project aims to establish a cohesive electricity market design for Europe. As part of this endeavor, compatible IT architecture and interfaces will be utilized to develop demonstrators that showcase scalable solutions.

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  • The ODH@Jülich project focuses on the development of open, digital tools for the planning and operation of district-level energy systems. These tools aim to support stakeholders in municipalities, as well as the construction, housing, and energy sectors, in implementing the energy transition.

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